418 Juniper Lane,Ormond Beach, FL 32174

    418 Juniper Lane,  Ormond Beach, FL 32174
    MLS #:276268
    Lot Size:3.17 acres

    Lot - Ormond Beach, FL

    Over 3 acres in Plantation Pines with endless possibilities. Lot is partially cleared and well is drilled. Land like this doesn't become available too often. Take advantage of this golden opportunity to have a slice of heaven, and still be close to Ormond Beach.
    General Information
    Mortgage Calculator
    Down Payment:
    Terms (in Years):
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    Payment Estimator

    *Rates for December 2024. Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a home mortgage consultant. Other restrictions may apply. The Rate/APR and other terms may vary from those displayed based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, the type of dwelling, whether the borrower is self-employed, the location of the property and other factors. Please contact a lender in your area to determine what rates you qualify for.

    **Rates calculated from national averages.  To determine rates in your area please contact your local lender.

    Local Schools

    School NameTypeDistanceGreatSchools Rating
    Champion Elementary School
    921 Tournament Drive, Daytona Beach FL 32124
    (386) 274-6500
    6.2 mi
    Map Item 2
    Riverbend Academy
    2080 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 615-0986
    6.7 mi
    Stewart Treatment Center
    3875 Tiger Bay Road, Daytona Beach FL 32124
    (386) 947-5990
    7.3 mi
    Pathways Elementary School
    2100 Airport Road, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 676-5360
    7.3 mi
    Map Item 7
    Father Lopez High School
    3918 LPGA Boulevard, Daytona Beach FL 32124
    (386) 253-5213
    7.6 mi
    Calvary Christian Academy
    1687 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 672-2081
    7.7 mi
    Calvary Christian Academy
    1687 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 672-2081
    7.8 mi
    Reign Homeschooling Academy
    1060 W GRANADA BLVD, Ormond Beach FL 32173
    (386) 898-8188
    8.1 mi
    Daytona Juvenile Residential Facility
    1386 Indian Lake Road, Daytona Beach FL 32124
    (386) 947-5990
    8.1 mi
    Pine Trail Elementary School
    300 Airport Road, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 676-5300
    8.6 mi
    Map Item 8
    David C Hinson Sr Middle School
    1860 North Clyde Morris Boulevard, Daytona Beach FL 32117
    (386) 274-6408
    8.9 mi
    Map Item 4
    Louise S. Mcinnis Elementary School
    5175 U.S. 17, De Leon Springs FL 32130
    (386) 943-6384
    9.4 mi
    Map Item 4
    Esformes Hebrew Academy
    1079 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 672-9300
    9.5 mi
    Gold Medal Honors Academy
    Po Box 190, De Leon Springs FL 32736
    (386) 785-0440
    9.6 mi
    Grace Academy
    1060a W Granada Blvd, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 673-5166
    9.6 mi
    Indigo Christian Jr Academy
    401 North Williamson Boulevard, Daytona Beach FL 32114
    (386) 255-5917
    9.6 mi
    Halifax Academy
    275 North Williamson Boulevard, Daytona Beach FL 32114
    (386) 252-9557
    9.8 mi
    Tomoka Elementary School
    999 Old Tomoka Road, Ormond Beach FL 32174
    (386) 676-1200
    9.8 mi
    Map Item 7
    Lighthouse Christian Academy
    4390 Grand Ave, De Leon Springs FL 32130
    (386) 734-4631
    9.9 mi
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    Form Title
    William Yorgey

    Kokomo Realty LLC

    105 N Central Ave #105
    Flagler Beach, FL 32136

    (386) 864-5088
    REALTOREqual Housing Opportunity

    Broker Associate BK3491631

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